Hitting the Trails and Hiking Barefoot

Week 9-13 Goal: Continue to transition to barefoot running. Build foot padding, muscle strength, and tissue resilience

Hiking on a Trail

Week 9 – 20mins 2-3x/week

Week 10 – 30mins 2-3x/week

Week 11 – 40mins 2-3x/week

Week 12 – 50mins 2-3x/week

Week 13 – 60mins 2-3x/week

Week 14 onward – Continue barefoot hiking 30-45mins at least 1x/week

Just remember to back off if your feet begin hurting and give yourself an extra day or two off from barefoot activity if you feel any pain inside the feet or legs.

Maintain barefoot walking and hiking even once you become an adept barefoot runner by going on at least 1 barefoot walk/hike per week. This is to maintain the foot strength you developed.